Flatmate Finder!

Flats to Rent!

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iROOMit helps you find Flatmates & Flats to Rent, making it easy to Feel at Home in any City!

Whether you're flat-sharing, flatmate-living, or co-living, our app lets you list, search, & advertise for free. The safest & most secure option, guaranteed!

Find a potential Flatmate that Matches your Lifestyle easier than you think!
Learn How iROOMit Works
iROOMit helps you find a Flatmate or Flats to Rent with Ease! We are bringing the future of new co-living to now!
Flatmate Match!
Verified IDs
Real-Time Connection
Flatmates & Flats to Rent in major cities!

Smart Algorithm!

Find a good Flatmate Lifestyle Match @ iROOMit!

Flatmate & Flats to Rent App. All you need in a One-Stop-Shop.

Post Listing
Post and edit your listing digitally via iROOMit App.
Live Streaming
Go Live. Show your Flat to rent. Attract quality flatmates.
App Tools
Screen tenants, credit checks, pay rent in the app.
Instant App Notifications
Conveniently set an alert to get notifications
Resources and Links
Did you find a flat to rent? Awesome! We can help!