38 Years Old
Ikenna's Needs
- £480/mo max
- Needed by
About Ikenna
- Professional
- No kids
- Non-smoker
- No pets
- Languages: English
My Ideal Place
Lease Terms
- 3 month
- 6 month
- Month to month
Room Details
- Furnished
- Private Bedroom
- Private Bathroom
Ikenna's Perfect Match
- Any gender and orientation
- No pets
- No kids
- Smoking is okay outside
Connect with Ikenna!
I'm excited about the possibility of becoming your new tenant and wanted to share a bit about myself to help you get to know me better.
I graduated from the University of Bradford, where I spent around two years. I would describe myself as a calm, cool-headed, and cooperative individual. I believe in maintaining a peaceful and harmonious living environment, where everyone feels comfortable and at ease. Stress and drama aren’t my style; I prefer to approach situations with a level-headed attitude and a positive outlook.
I hope this gives you a quick summary of my personality and what you can expect from me as an individual.
Ikenna's Match Lifestyle Quiz
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Where Ikenna is looking:

Ikenna Ekweanua
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