Not Verified
23 Years Old
Ona's Needs
- £850/mo max
- Needed by
About Ona
- Female (orientation not shared)
- Professional
- No kids
- Smoker
- No pets
- Languages: English
My Ideal Place
Lease Terms
- 12 month
Room Details
- Furnished/Unfurnished
- Private Bedroom
- Shared Bathroom Okay
Ona's Perfect Match
- Female, Male, Non-binary, Other gender
- Between ages 20-40
- Okay to join other roommates
- Okay with cat(s), dog(s)
- No kids
- Smoking is okay
Connect with Ona!
I like to keep my space clean and am considerate and respectful of others belongings and privacy. I appreciate open communication and would like to get to know them, but also understand that we both will have our own busy lives. I am pretty laid back, but do appreciate someone who values a healthy living environment.
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Where Ona is looking:
5 People Interested... Start Connecting Now!

Ona Bick
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