Not Verified
46 Years Old
- £750/mo max
- Needed by
- Straight Female
- Other occupation
- No kids
- Non-smoker
- Has dog(s)
- Languages: English, French, German, Hindi, Romanian, Spanish
My Ideal Place
Lease Terms
- 12 month
- 6 month
- Month to month
Room Details
- Furnished/Unfurnished
- Private Bedroom
- Shared Bathroom Okay
MARVENE's Perfect Match
- Female, Male, Non-binary, Other gender
- Between ages 35-55
- Okay to join other roommates
- Okay with caged pet(s), dog(s)
- Kids are okay
- Smoking is okay outside
Connect with MARVENE!
I am a 46 year old female trying to get back on her feet after being in a 3 coma after a severe accident, and I am just ready for a fresh start in life.
I love music, animals, motorcycles, fitness, bodybuilding, nutrition, & I am a make-up artist and custom jewelry designer for the Bristol Renaissance Faire in Illinois.
My hope is to find a roommate who has a love for dogs and I am so lost without having a dog in my life for what seems like forever.
I am looking to adopt a misunderstood mutt whose life has been a hard journey to find a home and a life of love.
No kids and like I said I am a HUGE music enthusiast ( Everything from deep roots blues, Heavy Metal, 50-60-70's Rock, Hairbands, Grunge,
Norwegian & Viking Metal...etc!)
& HORROR MOVIES; I can keep it to myself but it would be awesome to have some interests in common.
Extremely clean, organized, and I love decorating if needed or wanted.
Occasionally I am out of town doing Paranormal stuff for a company I have worked with for the past 15 years and I'm very grateful for the amazing people and family we have forged throughout this experience.
I guess I am very colorful and I am trying to live in a very positive and compassionate environment, but I'm a girl who needs her UFC,
MMA, & 🥊 Boxing, and Slap Fests as well.
A lot to absorb so if you are looking for a little bit of fun, kindness, and are cool with my ex centricities
let's talk.
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