Not Verified
24 Years Old
Kalina's Needs
- £1,500/mo max
- Needed by
About Kalina
- Female (orientation not shared)
- Student
- No kids
- Smoker
- Has caged pet(s)
- Languages: English
My Ideal Place
Lease Terms
- 12 month
- 6 month
- 9 month
- Month to month
Room Details
- Furnished/Unfurnished
- Private Bedroom
- Shared Bathroom Okay
Kalina's Perfect Match
- Male, Non-binary, Other gender
- Okay to join other roommates
- Okay with caged pet(s), cat(s), dog(s)
- No kids
- Smoking is okay
Connect with Kalina!
Hey! My name is kei, I'm looking to move to Toronto for voice acting school. I'm tidy, friendly and professional. I'm 24 years old and am into anime, video games and love collecting plushies. I'm looking for a condo downtown Toronto. Cheers!
Kalina's Match Lifestyle Quiz
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Where Kalina is looking:
4 People Interested... Start Connecting Now!

Kalina Monika
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