How to Evict My Flatmate: A Comprehensive Guide

by iROOMit Team
6 September 2023
6 min read

Living with a flatmate can be a great way to save money on rent and share the responsibilities of maintaining a home. However, sometimes situations arise where you find yourself needing to evict your flatmate. Whether it's due to financial disagreements, personality clashes, or other reasons, evicting a flatmate is a serious and legally complex process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps and considerations involved in evicting a flatmate.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Laws regarding flatmate eviction vary by location, and it's important to consult with a legal professional or seek advice from your local housing authority for guidance specific to your situation.


Understanding Your Lease Agreement

Before taking any steps towards evicting your flatmate, it's crucial to thoroughly review your lease agreement. Your lease may contain specific clauses regarding flatmates, subletting, and eviction procedures. Understanding the terms of your lease will provide you with valuable information on how to proceed legally.

  • Review Your Lease Agreement: Carefully examine your lease agreement to determine what it says about adding or removing flatmates. Some leases require all occupants to be listed on the lease, while others may allow for flatmates without formally adding them to the lease.
  • Check Local Laws: Research your local and state laws regarding flatmate eviction. Legal requirements and processes can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another.
  • Consult Your Landlord: If you're unsure about any lease terms or legal obligations, it's a good idea to consult your landlord or property manager for clarification. They can provide guidance on the proper procedures.

Attempting Mediation

  • Open Communication: Initiate a conversation with your flatmate to discuss the issues and concerns that have led to the decision to evict. Try to maintain a calm and respectful tone during this conversation.
  • Mediation Services: You can hire a professional mediator or seek mediation services offered by your local community organizations or universities. A mediator can facilitate discussions and help both parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution.
  • Written Agreements: If you and your flatmate reach an agreement during mediation, it's essential to document the terms in writing and have both parties sign the agreement. This can help prevent future disputes.

Legal Grounds for Eviction

In most cases, eviction must be based on specific legal grounds. The grounds for eviction can vary depending on your jurisdiction, but common reasons for eviction include:

  • Non-Payment of Rent: If your flatmate consistently fails to contribute their share of the rent, this may be grounds for eviction.
  • Violation of Lease Terms: If your flatmate violates the terms of the lease agreement, such as damaging property or engaging in illegal activities, you may have legal grounds for eviction.
  • Expiration of Lease: If your lease term has ended, you may have the right to terminate your flatmate's tenancy.
  • Nuisance Behavior: If your flatmate engages in disruptive or harmful behavior that negatively impacts your quality of life, this may be a valid reason for eviction.
  • Illegal Activities: Engaging in illegal activities on the premises, such as drug use or dealing, can be grounds for eviction.

Serving Notice

Once you have determined the legal grounds for eviction, you'll need to serve your flatmate with an eviction notice. The type of notice and the notice period required will depend on your local laws and the reason for eviction. Common types of notices include:

  • Pay or Quit Notice: If the eviction is due to non-payment of rent, you typically serve a "pay or quit" notice, giving your flatmate a set period (usually 3-5 days) to pay the overdue rent or vacate the premises.
  • Cure or Quit Notice: If the eviction is based on lease violations or nuisance behavior, you may serve a "cure or quit" notice, giving your flatmate a specific time frame to correct the issue or leave.
  • Termination of Lease Notice: If the lease has expired, you may serve a notice informing your flatmate that the lease will not be renewed.
  • Notice to Vacate: In some jurisdictions, you may need to provide a general "notice to vacate" without specifying a reason, especially if you don't have a written lease agreement.

Consult your local housing authority or an attorney to ensure that you use the correct type of notice and follow the required procedures.


The Eviction Process

If your flatmate does not comply with the notice by the specified deadline, you may need to proceed with the formal eviction process. This process typically involves the following steps:

  • File an Eviction Lawsuit: File an eviction lawsuit in your local court if your flatmate refuses to leave after receiving the notice. This initiates the legal process.
  • Serve Legal Papers: Arrange for the legal papers (summons and complaint) to be served to your flatmate according to your local rules of service.
  • Attend Court Hearings: Both you and your flatmate will have the opportunity to present your cases in court. Be prepared to provide evidence and witnesses, if necessary.
  • Obtain a Judgment: If the court rules in your favour, you'll receive a judgment granting possession of the property back to you. This judgment typically comes with an order for your flatmate to vacate the premises.
  • Enforcement of the Judgment: If your flatmate still refuses to leave, you may need to involve law enforcement officers to enforce the court's judgment and physically remove your flatmate from the property.

Keep in mind that the specific steps and timelines can vary widely by jurisdiction, so it's crucial to consult with a legal professional who is familiar with your local laws.


Protecting Your Rights

Throughout the eviction process, it's essential to protect your rights and ensure you're following all legal procedures. Here are some tips to help safeguard your interests:

  • Document Everything: Keep thorough records of all interactions with your flatmate, including communication, lease agreements, rent payments, and any lease violations. This documentation can be crucial in court.
  • Follow the Law: Make sure you follow your local and state laws regarding eviction procedures. Failure to do so can result in legal complications and delays.
  • Consult an Attorney: Consider consulting with an attorney who specializes in landlord-tenant law. They can provide guidance, review your case, and represent your interests in court.
  • Avoid Retaliation: It's illegal to evict a flatmate in retaliation for asserting their rights or making legitimate complaints. Be sure your reasons for eviction are based on valid legal grounds.


Evicting a flatmate is a complex and potentially stressful process that should only be pursued after careful consideration of your legal rights and obligations. It's essential to approach the situation with professionalism, follow your local laws, and, if necessary, seek legal counsel to navigate the eviction process successfully. Remember that communication and mediation should always be the first steps in resolving conflicts with flatmates, and eviction should be a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.