Latest Co-Living Posts from iROOMit Blog

Your Flatmate Stealing Your Food: Navigating Food Theft Among Flatmates
In the vibrant tapestry of shared living, where individuals from diverse backgrounds converge under one roof, the potential for both harmonious co-existence and simmering conflict exists. Among the myriad challenges that can arise in this unique ecosystem, the issue of food theft stands out as a...

10 Do's and Don'ts for Finding the Perfect Flatmate
Picking the right flatmate is crucial in any living situation since it will determine whether the environment is peaceful and harmonious. Whether you are settling into a flat for the first time with others or you have just received news that one of your housemates will vacate and you desperately...

How to Evict a Flatmate in 2025
Flatmates can be beneficial in helping pay expenses and assisting with household chores and duties. However, if your flatmate's actions begin to cause you difficulty and you cannot resolve the issue through negotiations or compromise, you may need to know how to evict a flatmate. Although evictin...

Your Flatmate and Observing the Holiday Season
Back when I had a flatmate, how I should observe the holiday season was a big question mark. Prior to my home sharing, I either went to my mother’s house or my romantic partner invited friends over for the big day. But my first year with my flat-mate, I wasn’t too sure how I would ap...

How to Deal When Your Flatmate is Late Paying Bills
How should you deal when your flatmate is late paying bills? Should you scream, throw a temper tantrum, or walk around silently resenting the person who hasn’t paid their bill? Nope, none of those are going to help the situation.
Ask for the MoneyWhat you do need to...

10 Surprising Celebrities Who Used to be Flatmates
Ah, celebrities. They often seem so different from us, living in luxurious mansions and leading glamorous lives. But believe it or not, many of them were once just like us – struggling to make ends meet and sharing cramped flats.
Before they became household names, some of Hollywood's bigg...

Navigating the Rules: How Many Flatmates is Too Many?
Sharing a flat can be a great way to save money and meet new people. However, there are regulations in place to ensure safe and comfortable living conditions. Knowing the limits can help you avoid legal issues and maintain a harmonious living environment.
Local R...
Getting to Know Your New Roomie: Icebreakers and Tips
Flatmate living can be a great way to save money, make new friendships, and even open doors for those moving to a new city/state. But let's face it, it can be a bit intimidating as well. Sharing a space, commingling lifestyles and work schedules can be a juggle at times, especially when you don't...