Turn Your Flat into a Flatmate Living Space

by iROOMit Team
9 February 2023
3 min read
Updated: 22 November 2023

If you're looking to turn your flat into a flatmate living situation, there are a number of steps you can take to make the transition as smooth as possible. First and foremost, it's important to consider the benefits and drawbacks of having flatmates.

Pros of Flatmate Living

Cost savings: Sharing the cost of rent, utilities, and other household expenses with one or more flatmates can significantly reduce your monthly expenses.

Company: Flatmates can provide a source of social interaction and companionship, which can be especially important for people who live alone.

Increased safety: Having flatmates can make your home feel safer, as there are always people around to look after each other.

Increased responsibility: Sharing a living space with others can help you develop important life skills, such as communication, conflict resolution, and time management.


Cons of Flatmate Living

Loss of privacy: When you live with flatmates, you will have less privacy and may need to compromise on issues such as quiet hours, personal space, and shared spaces.

Increased conflict: Flatmate living can sometimes lead to increased conflict, especially if one or more flatmates has different habits, schedules, or personalities.

Extra responsibilities: When you live with flatmates, you will have additional responsibilities, such as cleaning shared spaces, dealing with conflicts, and communicating with each other about household matters.

Reduced control: When you live with flatmates, you will have less control over your living environment, as you will need to consider the needs and preferences of others.


Turning Your Flat into Flatmate Living

Create a flatmate agreement: Before bringing in flatmates, it's important to have a clear understanding of what each person's responsibilities and expectations are. This can be achieved through a written flatmate agreement, which outlines the terms of the living arrangement, such as rent and utility payments, cleaning schedules, and rules for guests and shared spaces.

Designate shared spaces: When turning your flat into a flatmate living situation, it's important to clearly define which spaces are shared and which are private. This can help to avoid conflicts and ensure that everyone feels comfortable in their living environment.

Establish communication channels: Good communication is key to a successful flatmate living situation. Establishing regular check-ins, either in person or through a shared online platform, can help to ensure that everyone's needs are being met and conflicts are being addressed.

Be mindful of each other's habits and schedules: Flatmates come from different backgrounds and have different lifestyles, so it's important to be respectful of each other's habits and schedules. For example, if one flatmate is a light sleeper, it may be best to avoid loud activities during nighttime hours.

Set clear expectations for shared spaces: When turning your flat into a flatmate living situation, it's important to set clear expectations for shared spaces, such as the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. This can help to avoid conflicts and ensure that everyone feels comfortable in their living environment.

In conclusion, flatmate living can provide significant cost savings, increased safety, and important life skills, but it can also lead to increased conflict and reduced privacy. By taking the right steps and being mindful of each other's needs and preferences, you can turn your flat into a successful and harmonious flatmate living situation.