Latest Technology Posts - Page 3

How to Prepare the Best Flatmate Bio and Attract Your Next Flatmates or Room for Rent
When it comes to living with someone new, a great flatmate bio can make all the difference. Crafting a bio that highlights your personality, preferences and lifestyle can help you attract the perfect flatmate- someone who shares your values, interests, and ideals. In this article, we will provide...

Reimagining the Process of Shared Living
In recent years, the concept of shared living has gained immense popularity due to its affordability and social benefits. Many individuals, especially young professionals and students, are opting to live with flatmates

Guide to Discovering Reliable Flatmates and Rooms for Rent Apps and Websites
Finding the perfect flatmate or room for rent can be a daunting task. Numerous online platforms claim to provide the best service, but the process is often riddled with issues like misinformation, unverified profiles, and potential scammers. This is where iROOMit comes in, a revolutionary technol...

iROOMit is Changing How People Find a Flatmate or Rooms for Rent
Kal Merhi, iROOMit founder and CEO likes to observe the simple ways that iROOMit hosts “hack” their homes.
As living costs continue to rise, many people are finding it difficult to afford to live alone. This is leading to an increase in the popularity of homesharing, where people live with...

Flatmate Finders: Why iROOMit is a Better Alternative
iROOMit is the perfect ROOMs and ROOMMATEs App! With the perfect amenities within your budget—no one can have it all, or can they? Certainly, when you’re browsing through rooms for rent on Craigslist it may seem like your perfect flat couldn’t be further out of reach. If only you cou...